Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wednesday 11th December...The Party Starts

9'10 am - got woken at 6am by the phone - Colby! (She of the 30th birthday) Was like we saw each other yesterday, not six months ago. Chatted for an hour (she was stuck in traffic on her way from Aiken to Philadelphia delivering a trailer before flying from Philly to Vegas, only Colby) and I am now Officially Excited at everyone arriving today! Put the phone down, it rang immediately and it was Will (another good friend from the US), who is in Colorado skiing and on his way here this morning.....can't WAIT for them all to get here and to start partying, my jetlag is over and I am ready to rumble at last. Steph (who is actually my niece Charlie's great friend who I met in March and she is now my great friend too, she is quite literally the American Charlie. I have never been in the same place with the pair of them but apparently it is a sight to behold - both 20, both blonde, both gorgeous, both very loud, both slightly deranged and both party animals with the ability to scream at such decibels that dolphins form schools at the nearest coastline in response) has already been busted for being 125lbs overweight with luggage so she is 'pissed' as they say here. Classic.

Got to go get coffee and lurk in the foyer for Will and Steph to come in, they are sharing my room so we need to smuggle them in illegally. Who knows when I will get back to you blog-wise, but whenever it is I will definately have stories to tell!! Love me xx

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