Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Saturday 15th December - The Party Finishes

10'20 am - Steph just left! I am so sad to see her go, she has been a Total LA Legend this week. We did the Strip yesterday, her in flip flops and ass-skimming skirt invoking 99% of men we passed to stop and quite literally stare open-mouthed at this vision of youth and beauty (the wives of said men doing the standard 'David/Roger/Andrew - STOP dribbling and come away, you are old enough to be her father' !), then we bumped into Ronnie (a native New Yorker with the driest sense of humour ever) so we did the Moving Statues show in the Forum. Luckily we were early so we armed ourselves with very large vodka tonics (Steph wanting a foot long one with 32 shots in it but alas lacking the $40 required to buy it!). We quaffed our drinks, were taking the mickey out of everyone walking by when we heard 'thunder' and started shouting 'the show is starting', only to realise the 'thunder' was in fact the noise of a large btrash bin being wheeled past us. Needless to say the large drinks had hit the mark and we quite literally were crying with laughter. The security guard was not impressed and kept glowering at us, had it not been for Ronnie's unique 'I am from NY and don't take me on' aura we would have been chucked out no probs.

Last night we all did Fremont Street on the bus. Steph and I were hungry when we got there so had a sneaky McDonalds, only to locate everyone 2 mins later in an Italian which was apparently where we had all agreed to have dinner. Steph and I had no recollection of thisbut in fear of being abused again for not remembering stuff we did not confess the McDonalds and proceeded to eat a 2 course meal. Talk about stuffed! Then we kicked about the local casinos (Golden Nugget etc) and we had ourselves a foor long drink each finally. We called Charlie to leave her a message on her mobile (no one has been able to contact her since she left for NZ in October) only to discover she was on the end of the phone!! So we had a long and involved three way conversation with her and I cried when we said goodbye (But she IS my niece and I DO love her so it is ok!).

Wed night we did Cirque du Soleil which was fab, unfortunately we'd been drinking since midday so I have only a vague recollection. Apparently we went to Mirage casino after which I hotly contested the next day only to be shown a photo of me at Mirage. Damn these cameras! We had an In and Out Burger which was delicious, it was on the freeway though so we jaywalked there which was a tad scary and took forever. I insisted we got a cab back which embarrassingly took about 3 mins!!!! One unhappy cabbie.

Colby's birthday we ate at the House of Blues (21 of us, one large table of fun) and then did LAX nightclub (owned by Nicky Hilton and some tosser called Kriss Angel who is a magician who is based at our hotel and who films his show every night and barges past everyone who gets in his way - one of whom was me hence my extreme hatred). Will thought he met two Aussie guys he had made friends with the night before called Andrew and Luke (he was v drunk), only to discover half way through the conversation they were in fact Dutch. 'Wait a minute, you're not Australian! Ok, no matter - you can be Andrew and you can be Luke'. The look of complete confusedness on their faces was brilliant. Steph and I once again crying with laughter. Am sure this does not come across as hilarious now but honestly, it was one of the classic moments.

We went to Wynns hotel which is my new favourite - fab. We got lost in the Venetian for ages (ventured into the Anti-Ageing Convention at one point) (I joke not) and then got mesmerised by the Gondolas. I thought the Gondoliers were wax works but Colby threw a sweet at one and it moved and swore at her so we guessed they were poor humans instead! (Such is the standard of wax out here that people look worse than the waxworks).

We had breakfast in Tropicana one day after Will and Steph had done 30 hours of drinking. The Tropicana is dead old and very green in decor, so green in fact that Steph fell asleep at the table. then went home and threw up in the foyer of the hotel!! Nothing to do with alcolhol or lack of sleep or the stack of terrible spicy food she ate for breakfast, it was the awful decor that was responsible....

Endless photos were taken at every opportunity (Steph has most of them), we had a fashio show in a our room waiting for the rest of the gang to arrive Wed (they got in at midnight so we were wasted by then as you can imagine), Steph trashed my room so I had to leave an apologetic note for Elsa the cleaner which they all thought was just hilarious, I also made my bed every day which again caused much mickey to be taken from me. None of them have ever been hotel cleaners, they have no idea!!

Julia (wife of Ronnie the NYorker) fell in love with a $4250 Oscar de la Renta dress, and last I heard had nearly persuaded Ronnie to buy it for her. This is a particularly amazing fact as Ronnie had a fit at the $6 Starbucks bill on day one. Julia retalitated by having a $200 facial which he has yet to find out about! So getting him to even CONSIDER spending all that money on a dress was some feat! I must find out if she got it....

I have withdrawn cash from every ATM on the Strip I think. The bank have helpfully cancelled my main card so I am holding my breath every time I withdraw on my other one hoping it does not run out! This place is sooooooo expensive.

Will was going home Thursday night at which Colby had a fit so he paid $100 to put his flight back 8 hours and then she didn't even see him as she spent time with everyone else! Will not amused. Steph and I very amused!

So, we have had wall to wall fun and I have aching cheeks from laughing all the time. I have spent a fortune, barely slept, drank my body weight in vodka every day and just loved every minute of it! However now the party is over and I am on day 6 of being in Vegas, I have had enough and am looking forward to going home. This place is amazing but I think it is a clear 'been there done it' place myself.

I am off to walk the 4 miles to Stratosphere and back to (a) see the whole city from 800ft up, and (b) to waste the rest of the day. Will catch up with everyone else this evening before they all fly out tonight (as Steph left I realised I do not have Colby or anyone elses' mobile numbers so cannot get in touch with any of them today! Doh). Homeward bound tomorrow. Yippee. Goodbye Las Vegas, it's been an absolute party! Love me xxxx

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