Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sunday 16th December - Homeward Bound

Wow! That was my week's holiday that just flew past at 100 mph! Time here is so weird. When everyone left last night I felt really homesick and just wanted to get out of Vegas asap. However now I am confronted with doing just that (flight is in 1.5 hrs) I don't want to go home! Not so much because I love Vegas - it has been BRILLIANT but I don't need to be coming back - more so that I don't want to step back into my everyday life just yet! I guess the fact it is Christmas in 9 days has escaped me - looking out at Vegas Strip with the mountains as a backdrop bathed in glorious sunlight beneath a perfect cloudless clue sky does make the idea of an English Christmas seem fairly out of reach!

I managed to get all my 'extras' into my suitcase bar by Nikes so was pretty chuffed. Especially as Colby managed to avoid taking her Birthday Jacqueline Lantern (plastic pumpkin to you and I) home so I had to take the contents of that too (which includes a baseball cap signed by three World Champion Bull Riders from the rodeo. Unfortunately none of us have heard of them or know which one is which). Steph will be furious as she stole the said Jacqueline out the back of a truck on the way to the In and Out Burger and was kind of aware Colby did not really want it as every attempt made to leave it with her throughout the week failed!

After my marathon hike to Stratosphere yesterday I was dead but after an hour of packing I walked back to Margaritaville and met Colby, Steve, Laura and Emma where we drank some beers and watched the rodeo finals in a bar that was wall-to-wall cowboys. Thenwe called in at Coyote Ugly bar which was crap initially then 2 beers later became excellent. Then a brisk march back to the Luxor where they got their bags and left for Philly leaving me half drunk and no one to party with! As it turned out I needed to extra time to repack (swipe 2) and ended up dead to the world about 10pm - that walk certainly tired me out! Colby and Co did lunch at the Wynn which would have been fun but expensive and I am Officially Broke now. I found Macys on the way to Stratosphere so finally was able to get my cheap Levis, $30 each! Bargain.

Right, some screaming kids behind me who had better not be on my flight else I will kill them. I'll worry about no money when I get home, right after I worry about no petrol eh! We are already planning where to have the next Big Birthday, being my 40th. Amsterdam was suggested by many of the Yanks.....we will just have to see. Wherever we go it will be hard to beat this trip I must say.

Right, I have finished the vegas blog you will be glad to know. Next stop - the Old Biddy Christmas Lunch Blog !!!!! See you Thursday, can't wait. I will be the one in Pradas!! Love me xx

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