Thursday, November 8, 2007

Blackpool Illuminated

Hello all

Apologies for being a Bad Blogger and not posting anything for a week or so, it has to be fair been quite a hectic few days....went to see Man U play Middlesborough (or should that be 'kick Middlesborough's backside') at Old Trafford, fab fab fab, love it so much, cannot believe I was 37 before going to a match, it is The Best Day Out! So thanks to those special people who helped that happen, I loves ya. What else, went on a Girls Night Out to Liverpool but it was a bit shite this time, it was really quiet in the city which did not help, plus one of us drove which did not help, plus one of us was pretty much detested by most of the rest of us which did not help, so three of us called it a night at midnight and were nicely tucked up in bed by 12.30, bit of a shame but far superior to 'seeing it out' as the other 3 did and not getting in til 3am! So Fun but not Fantastic. Went to Blackpool, never been before, will never ever ever go again, what a hideous place! Full of hideous people selling hideous things, really was awful. Glad I have been so I can tick it off the list but seriously, can you imagine staying Overnight in some blue neon lit hovel calling itself a Guesthouse? Or even a Weekend?? These people are insane. Gross.

The Blackpool trip was unfortunately (for him) A Date. Though unfortunately (for him) I decided it was never going to work the minute he turned up on my doorstep to be honest, I should have listened to my highly-developed Tolerance Detector and picked up on the fact it was nearly at full noise for No Tolerance! But I ploughed on telling myself I was as usual being too quick to dismiss someone. Uh uh! I was spot on! So the poor bugger slowly comitted social suicide ... could not drive well, drove a crap car, made crap jokes, could not park, had no money for car park, wanted to go on fairground rides and most of all LIKED BLACKPOOL!! So the end of a possible relationship. However, I am not in the least traumatised by this, I am in fact Dead Proud of myself for actually Getting Out There and Having A Go, it has been a long long time since I did anything as daring as actually go on a date so nothing was lost (bar his social standing of course) and masses gained. Done it once, can do it again! Just maybe not too quick....!

I then capitalised on this new found bravery and went, alone and knowing one person slightly (in that I bought her house), to Hockey Training on Tuesday night, and I bloody loved it! I have not picked up a hockey stick since I was about 14, so we are talking 24 years ago, and as those of you who had the duious pleasure of attending Golf lessons with me, I have no hand-eye coordination whatsoever, so I was never any good at it as a kid let alone 24 years later. But, I really really enjoyed myself, and although some of the Ladies were a tad frosty/not particularly welcoming most of them were lovely and I have decided to Go Back Next Week! Don't get me wrong, I am still totally useless (we were doing exercises in channelling attacks on goal away from you which required a simple dribble out round a cone and then into goal attack. Guess who could not even get the dribbling round the cone bit sorted!) but there were some others who certainly weren't Excellent and it was just fun. Though I do have to invest in a hoodie and track pants, I turned up in my running gear (being all the Lesiure clothing I possess despite living in Tracksuit Town) and consequently froze my ass off for 1.5 hours. But, a new found sport! How cool is that?!

Work has been crap this week with doom and gloom annoucements re redunos etc. We were all particularly stunned to receive a Bad News Announcement and then watch the Manager disappear on holiday for a week! Nice timing, and real good demo of your personal commitment to the place... we were initially outraged at this (yesterday) but today the atmosphere was the best it has been for months as we all blatantly asked each other Who Was Going and Who Was Staying and then played Critique the CV all afternoon (I did 5!). So although a sad reflection on the state of the place it was the best afternoon I have had for ages. And I have a shit hot CV now and an appointment with a head hunter tomorrow am! They emailed me! Yipperdeedoodah. So I will keep you posted on progress.

Right kids best go as we have ourselves a massive storm up here which keeps making the internet drop out which is doing my head in. I hope some of you are still logging in and interested in this, though to be honest I get as much pleasure from just writing my whirlwind thoughts down so I shall pretend you all read it and not worry about it if you don't! Have fun y'awl and I will post more blogs more often (if only for my own sanity!). Looking forward to The Wedding! Love me xxxxxxx

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