Tuesday, November 27, 2007

...The Week After

Well, what a wedding that was! A fantastic event, thank you very much to the B&G for my lovely evening invitation, I was honoured to be amongst your guests. Hope SA is fun!

The wedding set the scene for what turned out to be a very social weekend for me, I spent lots of quality time with lots of lovely lovely people who I have not seen 'properly' for ages, so I had an absolute ball as my Pops would say. It took me all of the next weekend to recover mind you, being unaccustomed to such intense revelling, but boy oh boy it was worth it ;-)

Been an odd week so far, lots of ups and downs work wise, hopefully they will all have been for a reason and hopefully the ultimate ending will be the right one for me. Sooooo hard to make a decision this time! Who would have thought that choice can be a bad thing.

Went for a run Sunday, first one for 2 weeks, was terrible! And got spotted by a colleague, why do you never get seen when you are fit and lithe and athletic and running properly? Why only when you have not been for weeks, have put on a stone at least, are bright red in the face, sweating for England and barely lifting your feet more than 1 cm off the ground? Life is so unfair. Anyway, this experience coupled with critically viewing myself in a three way mirror in Next later that day drove me to purchase an exercise bike. I can't go running here in the dark on my own, crazy. I have left the gym - too expensive and full of lycra clad idiots, mostly grossly overweight who should never be allowed to buy lycra, not even for a famly member. And I am getting fat and unfit. So, I am now the proud owner of an EB.

Actually it rocks I must say, especially cos you can cycle away in your jeans whilst watching EastEnders, with a nice glass of red nestling safely in the drinks holder! Heaven. Why on earth I did not think of it before I have no clue. The bizarre thing about an EB is the fact no-one who enters your house is unable to resist the temptation to sit on it! Very funny when they realise they are perched on someone else's EB for no apparent reason! It's a bit like the old calculator urge, people have to do 9 x 9 on them just to check they work. Love life's little foibles!

So, I have just 12 (TWELVE) more sleeps til Vegas!!! Holy crap how exciting is that?! I have so much to do before I go, of which I know I am only going to get about half done, but that works for me! I primarily need to get all the crap I bought from Ikea put up. I was waiting until I had painted everywhere but seeing as how I have only painted 3 rooms so far, one of which being the bathroom which doesn't reallty count as a whole room, and have 3 left to do thus is not something that is going to happen soon. And I am sick of tripping over cardboard packages containing very solid shelves that really stub your toes! So I have invested in a digital wall scanner thing that tells you where wires are, and I intend to Erect Shelving this weekend. (the bloke from work who was going to do it for me has never turned up, and when he spied me today he actually ran away. Don't think therefore I can rely on him!). I am sure this event will prompt a blog of its own, which reminds me I still owe you a Hockey Blog. I've added it to my List of Things to Do Before Vegas!

Take care folks and keep watching this space
Lots love Me xxxxx

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