Friday, November 16, 2007

The Day Before...

...The Wedding that is! Cannot believe B&S are getting spliced tomorrow, where the hell has this year gone? Scary stuff, scary stuff. Am so looking forward to the party afterwards, it is going to be just great to see Absolutely Everyone when Absolutely Everyone will be partying! This is the official start of my party season so it is damn good to be starting right up there at the top!

I have even taken this afternoon off in honour of it, though I must confess that honour is shared with my Mum's Birthday, as that is tomorrow also, and I have yet to get her a card. She has luckily sorted out her own present (Bird Table) (New, not from The Charity Shop!) (about which we shall all be tackling her tomorrow) so I don't have to worry about that. I do also have to worry about getting a replacement Wedding Card (got all organised last time I went to Chester and bought one then, now of course have lost it.) (Did locate invitation in the hunting-for-card process though so not all lost!). I also have to worry about getting a load of washing done, getting a spare house key to my neighbour, and agreeing a price with a guy from work to out up all the crap I bought from Ikea last week. Oh and get the various areas of the house where the said crap will be hung painted before he hangs stuff up. So that is pretty much this avo sorted! (SO if I do have loads of dodgy streaks in my hair tomorrow night it is paint not grey). Honest.

Just remembered I have another job to do, being returning a hockey stick to the woman I bought my house off. This is a long and special story that deserves a blog post all of its own, which I shall do retrospectively next week for you. It wil give me something to do when in Swindon office Monday!!

Right kids I have to love you and leave you as I need to get myself Vicky'd. (Organised!) (See how brave you can be by blog!) (Watch her rip my head off for it In Person Next Week!)

Have fabulous Fridays all, and I am seriously looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow night, when B&S will be Mrs & Mrs!! Love me xxxxxxx

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