Friday, October 12, 2007

The Weekend!

The weekend started early for me as I awarded myself today off having endured a gruelling two day of the best ideas I have had for a while I must say! Had a lovely extra 2.5 hours in my bed, a lazy get up/get dressed session, an extended breakfast, then a mooch to Chester retail park to buy a new mattress for my fab new king size oak bed (mm mmm), then back to a light lunch followed by small painting (finished landing/stairwell/hall), interspersed by Dave the Gas arriving (installed new gas fire, now v sexy!), then a whirlwind tidy up including the ceremonious unpacking of another box (shoes: assorted), to this exact point in time being writing to you guys! And I am out tonight with one of the girls from work, not sure if we are out-ting or in-ing but whatever it will be nice to have some beers and a chat, it being Friday and all!

Audit was bloody hard work but good result in the end so am chuffed, my boss is so cool, he gets all het up when the auditors ask me a difficult question bless! Very funny. We are all on our knees up here mind you what with the recent set of issues followed by the Fairly Demoralising News issued to us all yesterday, it does feel a bit like every time you stagger to your feet after a major knock down you just get knocked straight back down again! Lots of people who usually deal with the whole change thing are muttering that enough is enough and the shares aren't even that great any more eh, so I think we will see some significant changes next year with some really decent people going, which is sad. Whatever happens we must stay in touch guys, we are beyond sharing an employer now I hope!

Check me out being all Doom and Gloom! Must be the weather (grey and murky up here, boo hoo). What else, not much, am off to see my Mum tomorrow (who is under strict instructions I will arrive at 12 and leave at 3 so she is categorically NOT to get enough food to feed any army for three days in) as I have not seen her since 1st September bless, and that was for 30 mins and when I was in a v bad mood as me and my brother called in to get The Wardrobe from her house on our fourth trip up the M5/M6 at time of moving, so hopefully tomorrow's visit will be more enjoyable for her!

Talking of The Wardrobe (my grandmother's, made for her in 1939 as a wedding present, so a Fairly Substantial Furniture Item) has finally been moved from the bottom of my stairs (where my brother abandoned it on 2nd September - 'way too heavy man, I am way too tired man') to its rightful place in my bedroom! Am so delighted, had to mercilessly hassle two of the guys in work mind you to get it done but if they never speak to me again it will have been worth it! This great event is what drove the whole bed/mattress purchase and what has prompted the recommencing of the painting programme. So, all groovy in my world!

Am sooo looking forward to seeing you guys next week, have brilliant weekends all and see yoo sooner rather than later. Me xx

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