Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Night Before ...

Well here I am, the day is finally on my immediate horizon, being My First Day at My New Job.....gulp!
I feel like a kid on the eve of going to Big School for the first time, all nervous and sweaty (nice) and excited and terrified. I have cleaned my house from top to bottom and mowed and weeded the garden and been to Sainsburys by way of distraction, where I bought a coffee machine (my American friend Colby came up this weekend with my niece Charlie, she came over to go to Beijing but her horse went lame so she didn't get the trip, real sad, however I got the silver lining as I got to see her for a few days and boy did we drown our sorrows and party hard!) on Colby's instruction (she asked me why no coffee machine. I replied I don't drink coffee. She asked why. I said I did not like the taste. She said that was because I only had shit instant coffee, no wonder I did not like the taste. I bought a coffee machine, have drunk three mug fulls, and am sort of beginning to maybe like the taste!) so have wasted more time fiddling with that. I have also changed my bed and done three loads of washing. I have filled the car with petrol and watered the plants. I have selected my outfit for the morning (black Ralph Lauren trousers, black t-shirt, funky Betty Barclay checked jacket) and chatted to Gina Randall for a while (who came to drop off a huge good luck card! How lovely is that?). I have packed my briefcase. And now there is nothing left to do bar drink some wine (not too much! No hangover needed on day one!) and write this blog........

So. Here goes for the next chapter in my life. I passed my bike test by the way, first time and everything!! SO CHUFFED. So chuffed. So proud of myself, but more proud of my beautiful 2005 Honda CBF500A motorcycle! She is a real beauty. And my Mum came to stay and rang a friend of hers who put me in touch with a local dealer, Bill Smith of Chester, who my Dad used to race with, and who I had a lovely chat with about Dad and then who gave me TRADE on my bike! How cool is that?! My Mum bloody rocks, she really does. Who elses mum could get them trade terms on a motorbike huh?!?!?!!!

I have had many messages of good luck, from people on holiday in Spain, people 'down South', people 'up here', my neighbours, I am so lucky to have surrounded myself with such thoughtful generous people, thank you one and all!

I will be fine, I know that more than anyone, but being fine does take some deep breaths and some tongue-biting and some exercising my little-used Being Nice although I will do it it aint always easy! So give me a break if I am not very communicative over the next few weeks, I just need to get my head round my new life for a while. I am not givign up my old life, just going through a concentrated period of adjustment! Normal service will be resumed I promise.

So, have yourself fantastic Augusts one and all, and I will be back to share tales of the Froggies in due course! Looking forward to it already. Love me xxxxxxx