Thursday, January 10, 2008

How the hell can it be January 10th already?

Hello all, Happy New Year!

I know it is a bit late to be wishing you that but I just do not know where the last 3 weeks have gone! I cannot believe it is the 10th already, not helped by the fact I spent all day thinking it was only the 9th. This old age lark can really take its toll!
I so can't wait for it to be Friday tomorrow, this first 5 day week (for some 5 weeks for me) has been A Killer. I am exhausted! And don't seem to have actually achieved much in work beyond got more and more terrified at the amount of work I have to do, very soon! I seem to have lost the ability to actually DO something, I just seem to spend all day thinking that I must do this and I must do that, then before you know it is is 4pm and home time! (How I love Supplyc Chain - 9-5? No thank you!)

I have however Been Brave and Looked At My Finances, which completely finished any idea of Going On The Wagon - too depressing by far to handle sober! I knew I had been a bit reckless with the old cash recently but what I had failed to consider was the Very Real Fact that my two year fixed interest rate on my mortgage expires in March, meaning I move from 4.65% to 7.295!!! Ouch. This is going to hurt a bit I fear. I may even have to cancel my Bupa membership to fund my wine habit! (There are limits. I refuse to abstain from alcohol purely for financial reasons, that is just ridiculous).

So, one belt being tightened as we speak. Though for those attending ChesterFest, fear not, I am allowed One Big Weekend every two-three months and this one is it! Plus luckily I won the Bonus Ball two weeks on the trot so I can even run to A New Top. Very exciting! (I know I bought loads in Vegas but they were Day Wear tops, not night. I have checked.)

I have just read my Vegas posts actually and had already forgotten lots of the stupid little things that made me laugh, so I am really glad I have this to refer back to, especially as I have been wholly unsuccessful in getting access to any of the photos the other 20 people took!

I had better go as my battery is about to go and I cannot be arsed to go upstairs to get the power lead - sorry! Can't WAIT for next weekend (being ChesterFest), someone please bring a camera and please email me the photos after! Have good weekends all and see you next weekend!

Lots of love, me xxxx